5. Bonding, for healthy relationships

In this series of 7 ways to raise your vibe, today we speak about bonding. When you are bonded well, you love yourself and others. You can be alone and together and you can interact with your soul and feel it’s love and guidance.. When bonding is off, we show...

4. Doing what you like!

Goodmorning. As you know you are much happier and radiant when you do things you like. But why don’t you do them? We are kept away from things we like by the fear that we will not be loved or that we are not good enough at what we want to do. For example. If...
Vitamine D en K check. Boek hem nu!

Vitamine D en K check. Boek hem nu!

Vitamine D en K check. Boek hem nu! Een sterk immuunsysteem met Vitamine D3 en K2! In een webinar van Natura Foundation vertelt Margo Peineman, mijn opleidster in de orthomoleculaire geneeskunst welke functie vitamine D voor het immuunsysteem heeft. Met het helpen van...

3. Getting out of fight, flight and Freeze!

Today we do a 5 element balance, with the colour cards of Touch for Health, to balance our survival system and calm down to the rest and repair system. When in rest and repair, digestion, immune system, procreation can kick in. This is what we need to be joyful,...

2. Cleaning up

A fast way to have more energy is by cleaning up your life. In this video I present you a very practical way to clean up your: -mind -heart -body -soul -relationships -house -car -emotions Enjoy my video. Please comment, like and share. This way we can all earn and...
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