okt 11, 2020 | Raising your vibe!, Vlog
Choose the life you want, the love you want, the health and wealth you want. You are the creator of your life. Right now we are in a challenging period. Many of you feal fear, anxiety or anger. You can choose at any time to feel differently. You are free in your mind....
aug 29, 2020 | Being true to yourself!, Vlog
People very often are not true to themselves without even knowing it. Being clear at what you want helps you to manifest in a much faster and easier way the life of your dreams. In a beautiful exercise I help you to stop being abiguas. Reply in the comment box in...
aug 7, 2020 | Being true to yourself!, Vlog
I’m learning how to be and feel without having to work hard. A totaly new experience for me. Do you recognise this? Love Merel Kinesiologist on the...
jul 4, 2020 | Being true to yourself!, Vlog
A dear follower Han Buwalda asked me if I still play. He inspirerend me for this video. How about you? Do you still play and do you like it? Please let me know. Love, from me to you,...
jun 28, 2020 | Being true to yourself!, Vlog
Short video of Merel about being different, weird, lucky, you and being loved. Love...