okt 30, 2020 | Lives for teenagers!, Vlog
When you have been pleasing other people, you probably dont know any more what you want from life. Today we are going to activate the galblather meridian that has every thing todo with making choices that are good for you and the word. I’m also going to show you...
okt 29, 2020 | Lives for teenagers!, Vlog
What to do when you are really healthy? When you feel good and have so much energy? Then you must participate in life. Then there are no excuses not to do an exam or go to sports or to a party. Being ill is a very good way to be excused. We often think that there is...
okt 28, 2020 | Lives for teenagers!, Vlog
Some of you have a wonderful connection with your parents, many of you don’t. Since most of you are still dependent on them, it would be nice if you would get along....
okt 27, 2020 | Lives for teenagers!, Vlog
By learning I mean your capcity to copy paste, to inform yourself, to study, to take in information and then to teach others. This is actually the best way to learn, by teaching. That is why I love...
okt 26, 2020 | Lives for teenagers!, Vlog
How to love yourself more? If you have listened to what other people have ever said about you, you may not like yourself much and that’s a pitty, beacuase ofcourse, you are wonderful Focussing on bad feeling thoughts attracts more bad feeling thoughts and...